It just so happens that the only place in the United States suitable for cultivating coffee produces one of the best in the world. (Pat yourselves on the back, deserve it!) The volcanic soil on the western side of the Big Island of Hawaii, combined with unique weather conditions, combine to produce these excellent coffee beans. With only 1500 acres devoted to growing Kona, it is one of the scarcest and most sought after coffees available today.
“There has been some curiosity amongst our readers (with me as well) as to why coffee like Jamaican Blue Mountain and Kona are so pricey. Is it the taste? Is it the location? Is it the availability? So, in response to these burning questions I did a little research to find some answers… I hope this suffices! ...”
Roasting is a heat process that unlocks the aroma and flavor of green coffee beans. Roast Levels indicate the color, profile, & general characteristics of coffee beans resulting from the roasting process.

- Light
- Medium
- Dark
REGION: North America and Caribbean
A pleasing & vibrant brightness that enhances a coffee’s flavor. Often described as a lively, crisp, tart, or sharp taste.

- Low
- Medium
- High
The tactile sense of consistency and thickness in the mouth, distinct from aroma and taste.

- Smooth
- Balanced
- Heavy